My first project, following online lessons from Digital Tutors, had me creating, rigging, and animating a robot from scratch.
Thought you all might get a kick out of seeing how it turned out.
Since doing this, I've discovered a few things: my laptop can't handle 3D particles, or 3D animation very well, and it's not crazy about tons of textures either.
It's still pretty quirky, but after 2 DAYS of rendering, waiting to see how it turned out (and hogging my computer), I don't think I'll be going back to make changes. But, for my first ever foray into 3D, I'm pretty happy with it.
So this will probably be first and last animated 3D piece I do until I get myself a new computer. Though, in the meantime, I'll probably focus more on learning to model instead.
Next update... More Robotech art.
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